Jan 12

The 1st General Assembly of the Life SuperBiodiesel project aroused some curiosity

The transformation of animal fat into biodiesel and the discarded protein into biostimulant requires taking several steps. One of them, as stated in the actions section of this website, is the separation and characterization of the different fractions of the meat residue and selection of animal fats.

During the characterisation of the samples separated by the partner Organovac, other partner of the project, CEPSA, proceeded to the characterisation of the waste and has determined some sulphur content on it. This could be constraining for the obtaining of biodiesel and, as consequence, this sulphur will be eliminated during the process in order to achieve a biodiesel with the required quality standards.

Other factors such as moisture, content of dry material, ashes, fat, metal and total amino-acid content, among others, have been determined from all the raw material itself, fat fraction & protein fraction.

Aspects, such as the obtaining of permits and licenses for the installation of the pilot plant, Environmental & communication KPIs, financial issues, dissemination and management aspects of the project were displayed and discussed.

The meeting ended up with the global satisfaction of the partners, who feel that this challenging project will certainly provide interesting opportunities for the biodiesel & biostimulant markets.